Facts & Figures

Facts and figures

HOERBIGER grew for the third year in a row in 2023: At EUR 1.416 billion, the Group’s employees generated sales that were 11.8% above the previous year’s figure, thus reaching a new record high. This pleasing business performance was achieved in a geopolitical environment that continues to be unstable and characterized by uncertainty on the raw materials, energy and financial markets.

As of December 31, 2023, the HOERBIGER Group employed 6,174 people worldwide, of whom 5,909 were permanent employees and 265 were temporary workers.

HOERBIGER Facts and figures
Sales 2023
A broadly diversified portfolio

Sales by Divisions and Business Units

6,174 dedicated employees

Sales by Divisions and Business Units

Employees 2023
Jahrbuch 2023

Further current key figures and information can be found in the HOERBIGER Yearbook 2023/24.
